See The Spirits of Pawling List of Chardonnay Wines below.
Wines made of Chardonnay explained by the Spirits of Pawling. Chardonnay is the most widely produced white wine grape in the United States and the most widely planted grape in California. For the past ten years, Chardonnay has been the most popular varietal wine in the country, with annual sales growth.
Green apple, fig, and citrus are the wine’s most common flavors. It has a body that ranges from medium to full, a complex aroma, and moderate acidity. To produce flavors of toast and vanilla, oak is often used to age Chardonnay. In recent times, many winemakers in California have moved away from the extravagant style of Chardonnay that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s and toward versions that are more subtly oaked and unoaked.